About me

My personal life, goals and achievements

My name is Roos de Boer, a passionate aviation enthusiast from Hoofddorp, the Netherlands. Born in January 2002, I have been fascinated by the wonders of aviation for as long as I can remember. I am currently studying Aviation, gaining knowledge about the world of aviation operations and the science behind it.

Beyond the boundaries of my studies, my life is colored by a love of adventure and discovery. I find pure joy in traveling, discovering new places and experiencing the diverse cultures the world has to offer.

Besides aviation and travelling, I spend a lot of time in the kitchen because I love baking. Baking is a way for me to de-stress and express my creativity.

Running is another activity that keeps me grounded, keeping me both physically fit and my mind clear. The freedom of the open road gives peace that it can bring a sense of balance to my life.

With my love for aviation and flying, I started flying and gliding in 2015 at the age of 13. At the age of 14 I made my first solo flight and since then I have always been involved in aviation. And the dream of becoming a pilot was born.

My life revolves around experiences, from gliding to baking, traveling and the academic pursuit of aviation. I am working to turn my passion into a career and look forward to what the future has in store for me in aviation