Strengths and weaknesses

To clearly outline my strengths and weaknesses, I have chosen to create a SWOT analysis.


  • My immense passion for aviation serves as a strong motivator and can act as a powerful driving force in my career.

  • Dedication to hard work and a no-nonsense attitude are valuable qualities that can contribute to success in the aviation sector.

  • Positive attitude and perseverance help me achieve goals and overcome obstacles.

  • My ability to lead and quickly distinguish between essential and non-essential matters is a valuable leadership quality.

  • The ability to interact with people of different cultures and nationalities, combined with respect for diverse opinions, is a strong asset.

  • My steadfastness, openness, and honesty contribute to building trust with others.


  • The risk of sacrificing myself too much may lead to neglecting my own needs and well-being.

  • Tendency to persist too long in the face of setbacks can lead to exhaustion and a lack of balance between work and rest.

  • Not raising concerns in a timely manner may increase the chance of escalation, impacting decision-making and my own work.

  • Steadfastness can be inhibiting when reconsidering previous decisions and exploring alternatives.

  • During presentations, I experience anxiety and nervousness, which can affect my professional demeanor and performance.


  • With passion and dedication, there is an opportunity to further grow in the aviation sector and possibly take on leadership roles.

  • Opportunities to further develop and utilize leadership skills in various projects and teams.

  • Addressing presentation anxiety through training can enhance my professional impact.

  • Identifying opportunities to achieve a better balance between work and rest can promote overall well-being.


  • The tendency to sacrifice oneself too much may lead to fatigue and ultimately impact performance.

  • Continuous stress during setbacks can result in reduced long-term effectiveness.

  • Fear of mistakes during presentations can pose a threat to your professional image and growth opportunities.

  • Difficulty in reconsidering decisions may hinder adaptation to changing circumstances.