
For my reflection, I have gathered feedback from three individuals: my buddy Jonas, my best friend Marc, and my parents. Jonas has been closely involved with me throughout the entire honors program and, as a result, has been able to form a understanding of my academic development. Marc, with whom I have been friends for five years and maintain daily contact, has particularly observed the personal changes in me, both before and during the honors program. My parents, who naturally know me best as they see me every day and hear my stories, are able to reflect on me both professionally and personally, and can describe my growth in that regard. These diverse perspectives will help me in forming a reflection on my development.


Collaborating with Roos in both the PR team and during the Transavia project was good. She takes on her own responsibilities and pitches in where needed. What I truly appreciate about Roos is her sustained enthusiasm and her ability to keep the work atmosphere light with a good dose of humor. Roos, you are truly goal-oriented and simultaneously realistic. If something is not achievable, you communicate that in a timely manner, as seen in the KLM project. Moreover, you have a knack for motivating others through positive feedback. One point of attention might be that you could assert yourself a bit more and not always rely on others' decisions. Speak up, especially in larger groups. I believe there is room for growth in presentation skills. You seem to think you are less strong in this area, but if you can overcome that fear, I believe your thesis defense can be a great success. In the future, I see you as a pilot at KLM. It appears that you have the qualities to fulfill that role successfully. Three words to describe you: Funny, goal-oriented, enthusiastic.

Lastly, Roos, a true PR champion. Thanks to you, we've achieved all our PR goals and successfully organized a conference. Keep up the good work!


my parents

In the past few months, I've noticed a significant transformation in Roos. One noticeable shift has been Roos' heightened dedication to her academic pursuits. It's clear that she has become much more serious about her studies, to the extent that she occasionally had to skip enjoyable outings in favor of focusing on schoolwork. This increased commitment to her educational responsibilities speaks volumes about Roos' growing sense of responsibility and determination.

On a more personal level, there have been positive changes as well. Roos has been making conscious efforts to pay closer attention to her health and fitness. The decision to prioritize better nutrition and regular exercise is not only commendable but has also yielded tangible results. It's heartening to see her commitment to overall well-being, and the positive impact this has had on both her physical and mental state.

What strikes me most is the apparent shift in Roos' mindset. It seems that, at this moment, she is not only excelling academically but is also genuinely enjoying and appreciating the aspects of her life. This newfound balance between academic commitments and personal well-being is a testament to Roos' ability to adapt and prioritize effectively.

In summary, Roos has not only become more serious and dedicated to her studies but has also embarked on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle. This dual commitment to academic and personal growth is indicative of Roos' evolving priorities and suggests that she is not only succeeding in her academic endeavors but is also finding joy and fulfillment in the various facets of her life. It's truly inspiring to witness this positive transformation and speaks volumes about Roos' resilience and determination.

Roos was very enthusiastic about the honors program and was extremely pleased to have been selected to participate.

During the pandemic, interaction with fellow students was nearly impossible, which is something Roos certainly missed during this period. She eagerly looked forward to projects that required collaboration and wholeheartedly immersed herself in the program to organize a conference on January 10, 2024.

After getting to know fellow students in the honors program, Roos was full of energy and highly positive, even though there were no familiar faces from her academic year among the participants.

The Luxembourg component was also frequently discussed, but its cancellation caused disappointment.

In setting up the organization of the conference, Roos surprised us with her choice of PR. We had expected Roos to join the research team, as it is a supportive role that doesn't necessarily draw all the attention. In a PR role, one often needs to reach out and persuade people about the product, so we were curious about how Roos would experience this.

Soon, we noticed that things weren't going smoothly for Roos, not in terms of her role's content but rather in terms of behavior and the composition of groups with fellow students. The unwillingness to consider other opinions or solutions and the persistence of a small group pushing their ideas without considering if other opinions/ideas could lead to the same goal made Roos feel unheard, and she often came home frustrated. Where Roos used to let herself be pushed aside in the past, we now saw her becoming more determined and consistently pushing to convince fellow students of alternative solutions or trying to compromise to achieve a common goal. Roos persisted and began to assert herself. This was a positive development and inspiring to witness.

In her PR role, Roos had the task of securing sponsor funds and materials, a challenging process that started off slowly. It's difficult to approach companies for money and materials, especially since most companies are cost-conscious. Roos's persistent attitude ultimately resulted in doors opening, and companies agreed to contribute financially or with materials. We also commend her perseverance in this, which led to a fantastic sponsorship amount. Ultimately, Roos visited many companies/sponsors, and in some cases, this led to enjoyable contacts for the future a sign that she has the right attitude. We eagerly look forward to what the future holds for Roos.

During the conference, Roos was approached by individuals who had been invited to participate through sponsorship. The feedback she received from these individuals about her actions during the organization of the conference was extremely positive and visibly strengthened her for the future.

my reflection

my reflection

my reflection

I can identify myself with Marc his reflection. From this, I deduce that I sometimes need to use my time more efficiently. When I notice that I have to skip enjoyable activities due to academic obligations, I should aim for a more effective time management. This way, I can allocate time for both studying and relaxation. It's crucial to prevent myself from isolating from my social life, a tendency that tends to happen when I am busy with school. A potential solution to this is to establish a solid schedule. Furthermore, maintaining open communication with people outside my school environment is essential. Effective communication can foster understanding and support.

From Jonas' feedback, I identify several areas for improvement. I realize that I can be hesitant at times to express my opinions, especially in larger groups where various perspectives converge. I tend to rely on the decisions of others, even when it might be better to assert my own viewpoint. I am aware of this pattern and will actively work on improving my assertiveness so that my voice and perspective are also heard in larger groups.

During the honors program, I attempted to voice my opinions more frequently, but I noticed that it sometimes elicited resistance. I understand the importance of continuing to express my thoughts and will adapt my approach to handle resistance constructively. The goal is to make my position clear without distancing myself from the diverse opinions within a group.

The comment about addressing my presentation anxiety, especially at the academic level, is very relevant. I am aware that this can also impact my ability to successfully defend my thesis. I will take targeted steps to increase my self-confidence so that I can deliver my presentations with more conviction and composure and effectively defend my thesis.

I appreciate the feedback and am determined to address these points and continue my personal development.

I recognize myself in the reflection that my parents provide. When I commit to something, I go all in and often put other matters aside. In the face of setbacks, I shouldn't let my spirits drop too quickly, I should rely on my own strength. If a project isn't functioning well, it might be more prudent to raise concerns with the person responsible early on, thus avoiding major disappointments.

Seeking collaboration and finding compromises can often lead to alternatives. This approach can provide me with more peace of mind while still achieving goals in a healthy manner. My strong suit is my strength, which takes me a long way. I also am well in communicating with companies and customers, yielding impressive results.

I need to stand firm in my beliefs and confidently assert them. Achieving goals can take various paths, sometimes requiring me to accept things as they are.