Sustainability Studio

In the third week of the semester, we were introduced to the Sustainability Studio during an engaging lecture conducted by Frenchez Pieters. This introduction provided us with a deeper understanding of the activities within the Sustainability Studio.

At the end of the session, the decision was open for us to choose whether to continue with this additional course. After careful consideration, I opted not to pursue this course further. I made this choice because sustainability themes have already been extensively covered in various subjects throughout my previous study years.

While I acknowledge the relevance, I felt the need to broaden my horizons and delve into other aspects of my education. Additionally, my interest lies in different topics, and I wanted to seize the opportunity to focus on other subjects that align more closely with my preferences.

By not enrolling in the Sustainability Studio, I had the flexibility to distribute my attention across alternative courses. Despite the significance of sustainability in aviation, I personally have less affinity for this specific subject. My passion and interest lie elsewhere, and I wanted to channel my energy and time into courses that are more closely aligned with my personal and professional goals.

Through this deliberate decision, I aimed to strike a balance between my academic commitments and personal interests while enhancing my engagement in other courses.