
Due to the fact that Ann's lesson on R Studio didn't quite suit our group, we decided to continue our statistics lessons with Falco. Falco introduced us to Python, which, in my opinion, was much more beneficial, considering Python's broader recognition and extensive usage compared to R Studio.

The remaining statistics lessons commenced in week 12. However, during this week, we were exceptionally busy with tasks such as a conference and the KLM assignment. Consequently, we had limited attention for the statistics lessons, especially as there was no specific assignment associated with them. Nevertheless, Falco proved to be excellent at explaining everything, taking it step by step and at a manageable pace.

While I am eager to learn Python, my focus was on other assignments that took precedence, given their connection to businesses and professionals in the industry. Additionally, I had to miss one of Falco's lessons due to a meeting with a potential sponsor. Missing a lesson makes it challenging to follow subsequent ones, as they build upon the content of the previous class. The language becomes increasingly sophisticated. Despite only grasping some basics, I've realized that I genuinely want to learn Python, as it can be highly beneficial in the aviation sector.

For next time, I'll make an effort to catch up on missed lessons so that I can seamlessly follow and participate in the subsequent classes. Overall, these lessons served as a comprehensive introduction to Python, and I am definitely planning to continue exploring this language.