The conference

Prior to the conference, Nicole and Annemijn carefully divided all tasks for the day, taking into account everyone's preferences. My assigned responsibilities are outlined in the image below. Overall, the conference proceeded very smoothly: all speakers were on time, and the timing was perfect. However, it was notable that many guests arrived later, left earlier, and specifically attended for certain speakers. Due to these delayed arrivals, we ultimately decided to have someone constantly stationed at the registration desk. This was an unexpected challenge, as we hadn't initially accounted for it. Fortunately, I managed to take on this task during moments when I had no other obligations.

Unfortunately, the catering did not fully meet our expectations, as we had ordered a different menu than what was actually delivered. We also reported the unhygienic floors we encountered during the morning of the conference. Despite these unforeseen circumstances, we received a lot of positive feedback and can conclude that the day was generally successful.

In the future, however, we will pay extra attention to possible delays and ensure that all aspects of the conference, including catering and venue hygiene, are meticulously planned and monitored. Nevertheless, we look back on a successful conference and appreciate the positive feedback we have received.

In addition to the successful execution of the conference, I personally experienced valuable learning moments. The unexpected issue with the late arrivals of guests provided insight into the importance of flexibility and the ability to react ad-hoc. The realization that a constant presence at the registration desk was necessary offered a valuable lesson in anticipating unforeseen circumstances.

Furthermore, I learned about the crucial role of accurate planning and control, especially regarding catering and the overall hygiene of the venue. Identifying and proactively addressing such issues will undoubtedly be a priority in organizing similar events in the future.

The ability to act quickly and effectively in the face of unexpected challenges while ensuring a positive and professional conference experience are valuable skills I have further developed. These insights will undoubtedly contribute to enhancing my organizational abilities in future events.