Research Methods

Throughout the past half-year, we undertook the Research Methods course instructed by Maria Papanikou. In total, we had four lessons aimed at enhancing our understanding of conducting research, utilizing various methods, and effectively presenting information. This course served as preparation for our individual research for the conference and as a guide for crafting our theses.

Although I've generally had no difficulty with research, I found these lessons to be highly valuable. Despite the excellent guidance received during my internship, where I always had support for any queries, this course provided a beneficial supplement. I am aware that during my thesis, I will receive less guidance and will need to rely more on my own capabilities. Maria presented examples of both good and less effective research reports, challenging us to think critically and identify potential errors, which proved to be more challenging than anticipated.

The course taught me how to compose a well-structured research report. Various frameworks were explored, and methods for obtaining more responses in surveys and interviews were explained, which is particularly valuable for me. Since my thesis will involve working with people's opinions, I have realized

from my internship experiences that convincing individuals to share "sensitive" and sometimes negative information about a company is not straightforward. This course has equipped me with strategies to navigate such challenges effectively.

Perhaps exchanging the Research Methods course with the Human Factors and Safety course would have been more beneficial. This would have allowed us to apply the knowledge gained from Research Methods more effectively in the thesis writing process. Additionally, as we began our research relatively late within the Honors program, the later timing of the Research Methods course would have been more fitting.

Despite these considerations, I have gained a tremendous amount and acquired valuable insights, particularly regarding obtaining information from people and successfully eliciting responses in surveys. I will undoubtedly carry this knowledge forward in my future career.