
At the beginning of the final academic year, I was extremely enthusiastic about the opportunity to participate in the honors program. Working together with a group of motivated fellow students on various projects and ultimately organizing a conference was something I looked forward to. Face-to-face contact and collaboration are aspects I truly missed in previous years; I am, as many around me say, a people person.

During the kickoff of the honors program, there was also talk of a possible assignment at Luxembourg Airport, which excited me. Doing a project abroad seemed like a great experience. Plans for this were often discussed over a beer with fellow students. The cancellation of the Luxembourg project was a significant disappointment, but so be it.

Throughout my study, I received feedback on my role in various projects. Upon reflection, I have decided to take action within the honors program to demonstrate that not everything said about me is true. Therefore, I have chosen a role within honors that people might not expect from me: Public Relations (PR).

The occasional impression of me being somewhat reserved is not accurate. I like to take initiative but sometimes adopt a more passive stance to avoid overshadowing others. This may be interpreted differently, but it's not who I am. I prefer handling things myself to ensure they are done correctly.

I enjoy connecting with people, and it generally goes well for me. I often engage in enjoyable conversations that unexpectedly lead to positive outcomes. Hence, choosing PR is a logical decision for me.

Unfortunately, within the honors group, I noticed that not everyone supports each other, which greatly disappoints me. There was a lot of criticism, causing moments where I felt tempted to give up. Nevertheless, I ultimately forged my own path with the goal we had all set in mind. It was gratifying to achieve the set objective. Additionally, I received compliments from sponsors for my approach and execution. I am proud of the result we collectively achieved.