Feedback reflections


Company supervisor Edo

Lecturing supervisor Catya

Unfortunately, I have not been able to work together with Roos that much as in S1. However, we have seen each other from time to time, which was nice to bring back good memories as well as to discuss our struggles during our thesis internship. What I really appreciated from these conversations is that Roos is honest about her feelings toward her supervising lecturer, company supervisor, and the overall process. It is key to talk about setbacks with other students as it helps you to move forward. Even though, she was struggling from time to time and encountered several setbacks, she kept motivated and delivered a well underpinned advice for KLM.

Roos always kept motivated and even offered others help or advise. Roos did simply not put her head down and helped others to pass the finish line of this Bachelor together. I believe that Roos is a great addition to any team

In the relatively short period that I have known Roos, I have seen a very driven grad student who is capable of processing a lot of information in a very efficient way. Her control of the English language is excellent; however, Roos needs to manage the length of her sentences. Don't try to put too much information in one sentence.

In the six-month timeframe, working on her Thesis, Roos managed to set up the assignment and framework in a swift way. Her focus was very good and her eagerness to learn more along the way was second to none. The downside on her focus is that adaption on inputs should improve somewhat. Flexibility in this perspective will surely come with the age and joining a company will help as well in that perspective.

Don’t doubt yourself; be strong and self-assured! You are the Roos that colleagues want in their team.

All and all, it was a pleasure to work with Roos, she deserves to graduate. The company which will hire Roos will absolutely have a dedicated, hardworking, and very loyal employee.

My reflection

My reflection

My reflection

For my reflection, I have gathered feedback from three individuals: my buddy Jonas, my company supervisor Edo and my lecturing supervisor Catya.

I recognize myself in the feedback that Jonas provided. His comments have affirmed my self-image and given me new insights. These qualities have helped me to foster an open communication climate, which was essential during my graduation project.

Jonas also pointed out my determination and perseverance, especially when facing challenges. I remained motivated and managed to deliver valuable advice, such as my contribution to KLM. His acknowledgment of my ability to stay motivated, even in tough times, has helped me appreciate my work more. This gives me the confidence that, by sticking to my goals and seeking creative solutions, I can overcome obstacles.

Overall, Jonas's feedback has helped me to recognize my strengths. It has provided me with valuable insights into how I can further develop my skills and remain successful in future academic and professional challenges. By staying true to my strengths and working on my areas for improvement, I am confident that I can achieve my goals and make a positive impact in any environment where I work.

I recognize myself in the feedback I have received. When I commit to something, I go all in and often set other matters aside. This demonstrates my dedication and determination towards projects. I am aware that when facing setbacks, I shouldn't let my motivation drop too quickly. Instead, I should rely on my own strength and resilience to push through.

An important lesson for me is to recognize early signs when a project isn't functioning well. Rather than waiting for major disappointments, it would be wiser to address my concerns with the responsible person early on. This can help solve problems before they become too significant.

Seeking collaboration and finding compromises can often lead to alternative solutions. This approach can provide me with more peace of mind while still achieving my goals in a healthy manner. Finding a balance between my determination and flexibility is essential for success without exhausting myself.

One of my strong points is my strength and determination, which take me far. I also excel in communication with companies and customers, yielding impressive results. These skills are crucial in achieving my goals and building valuable relationships.

I need to stand firm in my beliefs and assert them with confidence. Goals can be achieved in various ways, and sometimes that means accepting things as they are. It’s important to remember that not every path is straightforward and that adaptability is key to success.

During my thesis, I frequently received feedback from my lecturing supervisor emphasizing the importance of making my work more visually engaging by using fewer words and more images. This not only makes the content more interesting for others to read but also enhances my own understanding and clarity. Integrating visual elements such as diagrams, charts, and infographics can convey complex ideas more clearly and maintain the reader's attention. Additionally, a well-structured document with a logical flow and clear subdivisions helps keep my work organized and accessible. Using headings, consistent styles, and breaking down text into manageable sections contributes to a professional presentation. This approach ensures that my audience can follow my thesis more easily and that I have a better overview of the content and progress of my research. Combining visual elements with strong structure makes my work both more appealing and effective, helping me present complex ideas and data more clearly and convincingly.

Following the feedback on enhancing the visual appeal and structure of my thesis, I now understand how valuable these elements are, not only for written work but also for presentations. By incorporating more visual aids like diagrams and charts, I can convey complex ideas more simply and clearly, which not only enhances audience comprehension but also boosts my own confidence. A well-structured presentation with logical subdivisions helps me present my narrative smoothly and in an organized manner, reducing the likelihood of stumbling or freezing. This approach makes my presentations more dynamic and engaging, capturing the audience's attention and easing my nerves. As a result, I feel better prepared and more at ease, which undoubtedly contributes to my effectiveness and success as a speaker in the future.