My goals

I started the Honours program with the primary goal of enhancing my presentation skills. Prior to this program, I often received feedback that my presentations lacked persuasiveness. It was pointed out that I didn't convey enough passion for my own research and tended to downplay the significance of my work. During presentations, I also noticed that I spoke too quickly, making it challenging for the audience to follow. Additionally, it was observed that the use of my hands, including holding and turning objects, was distracting.

The realization that presentation skills will remain a crucial aspect of my future career has motivated me to address these issues. I am determined to strengthen my presentation skills and exude more confidence. I am confident that these improvements will not only enhance my professional demeanor but also empower me to present with pride and conviction. Furthermore, I plan to refine my presentation skills by regularly giving presentations and seeking targeted feedback, thereby significantly improving my presentation skills.

An additional challenge I face is my hesitancy in seeking assistance, applicable to both fellow students and professionals in academia and business. This reluctance extends from requesting help with specific tasks, repeatedly asking a teacher for clarification when I don't understand something, to seeking a favor. I often feel burdened and sense that I may inconvenience others. Reducing this reluctance to seek help is pertinent, as it will enhance my collaboration with others and foster my growth as a student and future professional.

My approach to overcoming this challenge is simply to take action. As I am currently a student, I view this as a learning opportunity where mistakes are not heavily penalized. It is crucial for me to set my own boundaries and learn how to effectively seek assistance. Although others often don't feel inconvenienced by my requests, I personally struggle with this feeling. By taking small steps and challenging myself to ask for help more frequently, I aim to gradually overcome my hesitancy. Within the current academic year, I aspire to demonstrate tangible improvements in my ability to request assistance purposefully and effectively. I recognize that seeking help not only promotes my personal growth but also increases the likelihood of acquiring additional knowledge and support, particularly for enhancing research endeavors.