In November, we received the assignment from KLM for the "Smart Autonomous Airport" project after the original task from Luxembourg Airport fell through. The assignment was vague, leading to confusion and uncertainty within the group. This resulted in tension and insecurity among the team.

Catya, our supervisor, made efforts to provide clarification, but the assignment remained unclear. Despite specifically seeking clarification, we were told that new ideas were welcome. However, this explanation did not reduce the ambiguity. Her disappointment in our effort only became apparent 8 days before the deadline, adding extra pressure.

Catya presented three options: maintain the deadline, postpone the deadline, or cancel the assignment in favor of the conference. My preference was to postpone the deadline to deliver a better final product. However, the board's decision to exclude the research team and prevent Nick from participating, without group consultation, felt like a breach of group dynamics.

As a result, the project had to be completed with reduced manpower and within the same deadline. Despite my objections and personal commitments, we managed to complete the report on time, albeit with a quality below my expectations.

This experience has taught me that, despite my reservations, there are moments when a certain degree of steadfastness is required. It is crucial to raise concerns and address issues earlier. I now realize the importance of providing unsolicited feedback on decision-making processes that affect the entire group.

My main insights involve recognizing the importance of proactive communication, the early recognition of issues, and actively engaging in group decision-making. In upcoming projects, I intend to prioritize thorough discussions within the team regarding decisions and promptly addressing any uncertainties.

For the future, I will further develop my communication skills, both in expressing objections and providing unsolicited feedback. I also aim to be more actively involved in group decision-making to make a positive contribution to team dynamics.