Writing with Impact

In addition to the regular classes from HVA (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) instructors, we also received lessons from an external company/person. Stephen Johnston from Complete Communications conducted a workshop for us called "Writing with Impact." This session lasted from 9 in the morning until 5 in the evening and aimed to improve our writing skills, specifically focusing on creating more impactful written communication. Writing with impact entails ensuring that the reader not only comprehends the message but also retains it, enhancing the overall reading experience. The goal is to formulate the message in a way that resonates with the shared experiences of the audience. If words are not concretely connected to something recognizable, there is a risk of losing interest quickly.

During the workshop, we received explanations and examples on how to write with impact and achieve this effectively. No preparation was required beforehand, as everything would be covered during the session. One of the first things Stephen mentioned was that "Writing with Impact" could be a long and, at times, a bit dull day. It was helpful that he was open and honest about this, so we all knew what to expect. Stephen explained everything in a very clear manner, incorporating a touch of humor that greatly amused me.

The final assignment he gave us was to explain our internship assignment from the third year to someone who had no background in the aviation industry. I realized during this task that it is more challenging than anticipated. It's easy to assume that people understand certain terms because they are normal or common for us, which is not the case for everyone. Stephen provided feedback on the assignment, suggesting that I should have explained the concept of "code share" because it may not be understandable to everyone.

From this workshop, I learned that not everyone understands everything you say, and to make someone comprehend your story, you need to know your audience well and understand what they already know about the topic. I've learned to write with impact, a skill that I will definitely apply in my future career. It's crucial that the person you're writing to understands you, as it enhances your professionalism significantly.