Doll Assignment

During one of the SEP lessons, we did the "little figures assignment." The purpose of this assignment is to represent your family, friends, and other aspects of your life using little figures. This creative task encourages you to think in different ways than you normally would, without strict rules of right or wrong. It also highlights how people think differently, especially when they are not in their usual environment.

In my execution of the assignment, I chose the most significant elements in my life: my family, my work, and my studies. The figure with my name represents myself. Next to me is my brother, and behind me are my parents because they play the most significant role in my life. The figures next to my mother have no faces because, unfortunately, they have passed away. Despite their absence, they remain important to me.

Behind my parents are my grandparents, and next to them are my two aunts with whom I have a close bond and regularly communicate. One of my aunts has two children, my nieces, whom I also see and speak to frequently. A bit further away is another aunt with my two other nieces from my father's side. Although I have little to no contact with them, they are still important to me and are therefore depicted.

Behind my parents are small figures representing my friends. While they are crucial, my family always takes precedence. In the background are two large pillars symbolizing my work and studies. These are significant aspects of my life, but in the event of something concerning my family or friends, I would undoubtedly prioritize my family and friends over my work and studies.
