Semester 2

During the second semester of this year, I completed my internship at KLM, where I worked in the Integrated Services department of KLM Engineering & Maintenance (E&M). My research focused specifically on resistance to digitization among Ground Engineers. This was a fascinating topic, as it involved not only technological changes within the aviation sector but also the human factor and the acceptance of new technologies by experienced professionals.

Throughout my internship, I conducted extensive interviews and collaborated closely with various stakeholders. This provided me with valuable insights into the deep-seated beliefs and concerns of the ground engineers. The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data significantly strengthened my research and communication skills.

However, during my internship, I also encountered some challenges. As is often the case in research projects, I had to make adjustments to my work shortly before the deadline. This required not only flexibility but also a clear understanding of my own positions and the ability to defend my thesis based on my findings and analyses. The pursuit of perfection was a constant presence, but I learned that my own satisfaction with the outcome is ultimately most important.

A valuable lesson I learned during this period is the importance of sometimes taking a step back. In addition to working 40 hours at the office, I also spent 20 hours working in a supermarket. Balancing these responsibilities taught me the necessity of acknowledging when things become overwhelming and being able to say it's too much.

One aspect I personally struggled with during my internship was presenting my findings. While I understand the importance of effective presentation skills in my field, I find it challenging to feel comfortable addressing an audience and conveying my research clearly and persuasively.

This experience at KLM has enriched not only my academic and professional skills but also stimulated my personal growth. I am proud of what I have achieved and am determined to continue pursuing my passion for aviation in my future career.