Competences update

At the end of semester 1, I evaluated my progress regarding the HBO competencies (see figure 1). Now, 6 months later and nearing the end of my studies, I would like to provide an update on the competencies that I had not yet reached at the end of semester 1.


At the end of semester 1, I was at Level 2 in my ability to investigate complex problems, handling them under supervision. By the end of this year, I've progressed to Level 3, thanks to my graduation project. I've significantly improved in breaking down and solving complex issues independently, clearly communicating challenges and solutions, and effectively integrating feedback from supervisors and peers. My time management and focus have become more refined, allowing me to prioritize critical tasks and keep projects on track. I’ve also learned to stay adaptable and resilient when facing unexpected problems. This journey has enhanced my problem-solving skills and prepared me to tackle future challenges with confidence and autonomy


At the end of Semester 1, I was at Level 2 in my competency development in the field of design. This level indicates that I understand the basic principles of designing effective solutions but require further depth and breadth to tackle more complex challenges effectively.

My goal was to enhance my competencies by delving deeper into new developments and technologies. Active involvement in innovation initiatives and diversifying my skills, such as learning new programming languages, are crucial to this goal.

During my graduation, I unfortunately did not have the time, or did not make the time, to fully follow my plan. The demands of graduating limited my ability to focus on extracurricular development. Nevertheless, my ambition to expand my knowledge after graduation remains as strong as ever. I believe i am between level 2 and 3


At the beginning of semester 1, I was at level 1, where I primarily had basic knowledge of designing and improving processes within the aviation industry. However, during my graduation project, I advanced to level 2. This project required me to formulate advice that considered the interests of multiple layers within the company. I learned to conduct in-depth analysis, balance the needs of various stakeholders, and integrate feedback to design a solution that was widely accepted. This experience significantly deepened my understanding of the complex relationships and dependencies within the industry and prepared me to provide effective and informed advice in future projects.


The research competency encompasses various methods, including literature review and study, problem analysis and modeling, experiment design and execution, and interpreting data and computer simulations. At the end of semester 1, I was at level 2. I realized that I still struggled with identifying and using good and reliable sources. Over time, I have developed effective strategies to find and evaluate high-quality sources, ensuring that my research is well-founded and credible. I now feel confident in my ability to conduct thorough and accurate literature reviews, perform detailed analyses, and interpret complex data. Although I recognize that research is a continuous learning process and I am committed to further honing my skills, I believe I have advanced to level 3. This progress has strengthened my ability to produce robust and insightful research findings.


The professionalism competency focuses on the ability to effectively apply one's knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a professional context. At the end of semester 1, I was at level 2, where I had a solid grasp of these abilities but still had room for growth in applying them consistently and effectively. Through my thesis work, I believe I have grown to level 3. I utilized all the knowledge and skills I acquired throughout my studies to tackle complex problems and produce a comprehensive thesis. This involved not only technical and analytical skills but also the professional attitude and discipline to manage my time, communicate effectively, and respond constructively to feedback. I demonstrated a high level of commitment and professionalism, integrating everything I learned into a cohesive and well-structured project. This progress reflects my advancement to level 3, where I can now consistently apply my competencies to deliver high-quality outcomes in a professional setting.