Action plan update

This action plan update provides a reflection that is based on the action plan that was made at the end of semester 1. This reflection will describe whether I have realized my goals as mentioned in the action plan.

In my quest to improve my research skills, I have made significant progress by focusing on critical thinking, evaluating high-quality sources, and presenting findings effectively. Weekly sessions with my KLM thesis supervisor provided invaluable constructive feedback, helping me to refine my research structure and presentation. Additionally, seeking feedback from colleagues and professionals at KLM enriched my research and highlighted areas for improvement. This continuous loop of self-improvement and feedback has greatly enhanced my skills. I am pleased to say that I have achieved my goal; I am now more confident in conducting thorough research, critically evaluating information, and presenting my findings convincingly.

In my effort to enhance my design skills through active involvement in other projects at KLM, I unfortunately did not achieve my goal. Despite my motivation and willingness to deepen my skills, I lacked the time and opportunities to engage in additional projects. My primary responsibilities during the internship consumed most of my time, leaving little room for significant development in my design abilities. This experience, however, provided me with valuable insights into the importance of setting realistic goals and effectively managing my time. In the future, I will be more proactive in seeking opportunities and aligning my learning objectives with the available resources and time.

In my effort to improve my advisory skills, I initially planned to join volunteer projects, work with experienced professionals, and learn more about the aviation industry through case studies. My aim was to move from basic to intermediate advisory skills through these activities. While I did achieve this goal, it didn't happen the way I expected.

Instead of mainly learning from planned activities, I found that I improved by focusing on listening well and communicating effectively with people around me. Actively listening to colleagues and others gave me deep insights into their issues and helped me understand their needs and preferences better. This listening skill was crucial in giving useful advice because it let me understand the situation and what was important to the people I was helping.

This experience taught me that good advice isn't just about knowing facts or following a plan. It's also about understanding the situation and what people need. This approach helped me adjust my advice to fit each situation better. Learning to listen and communicate with empathy and attention made a big difference in my advisory skills, and I reached my goal even though it happened differently than I expected.