A special thanks

I am not only immensely grateful for the valuable knowledge gained during the honors program but also for the invaluable support received, both from my esteemed professors and my fellow students. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for Yanthe and Jonas, who have been truly invaluable during this period.

Yanthe and Jonas have not only assisted in acquiring knowledge but have also always been ready to lend a listening ear when my frustrations occasionally escalated. They consistently provided support, whether it was brainstorming solutions or simply offering the reassuring advice that 'it will be alright.' Their involvement has truly made this time unforgettable.

Not only have they contributed to my professional growth, but they have also played a special role in creating positive and enjoyable moments. Together, we have not only shared knowledge but also laughed and savored the many enjoyable moments that this time has brought. My appreciation for Yanthe and Jonas is deeply rooted, and I cherish the memories of this unique period in which we not only went through the honors program as study partners but also as friends.