
As part of the aviation program, there are specific competencies one is expected to achieve after each year. At the beginning of the semester, I sought feedback from several classmates on where they believed I stood with respect to these competencies. Unfortunately, after reflecting together, we concluded that we did not know each other well enough to accurately assess each other. Considering that these assessments were somewhat arbitrary, I have decided not to include them in my competency evaluation.

I am of the opinion that I am currently at the end-of-year-3 level and slowly approching the end level. The graph below illustrates my initial standing this year and where I am expected to be by the end of my studies. The accompanying action plan outlines my strategy for achieving this progression.


At the beginning of the fourth year, I am expected to be at level 2 in terms of this competence. Level 2 implies the ability to investigate a complex problem, possibly simulated or partially framed, under supervision.

At the beginning of the year, I was certainly capable of formulating a clear definition of the problem, objectives, and assignment based on the client's requirements. For instance, during my third-year internship, I developed a tool to make information more accessible. To achieve this, I first identified the challenges the client was facing and determined the improvements they desired. Subsequently, I set clear goals after extensive conversations with the client to understand their expectations and preferences. This experience taught me that what I find easy may not necessarily be the same for others.

To reach level 3, I need to focus on articulating the problem, goals, and assignment even more clearly. This involves going directly to the core question and reformulating and delineating it in a way that the client understands. This requires a refinement of my communication skills and a deeper focus on identifying the essence of client needs.


Competency in the field of design focuses on the ability to design effective solutions, such as technological innovations or improved processes. Various factors are taken into consideration, including the impact on operational processes, safety, security, environment, reliability, sustainability, and business operations. A structured approach is followed to ensure that the developed solution meets all specified requirements.

Currently, I consider my level to be at level 2. During my internship, I successfully worked with VBA and found a solution for the existing problem. Additionally, during the second year of my studies, I took classes in modeling and simulation, from which I gained valuable knowledge.

To elevate to level 3, I plan to delve deeper into new developments and technologies. Active involvement in innovation initiatives will help expand my knowledge. Diversifying my skills, such as learning new programming languages, is a priority.


The third competency involves the ability to apply practical skills to resolve aviation issues through research and experiments. Additionally, you should be capable of recognizing the impact of their activities, considering ethics, the social environment, and sustainability.

I have demonstrated proficiency in this competency through my projects in the first and second years, as well as my internship. This is reflected in my grades for all projects, which are generally good, with a notable emphasis on my internship. therefore I think I am at level 2


The fourth competency requires the ability to ensure that a product, service, or process performs optimally within its specific application, context, or work environment. This involves considering various factors, including compliance with laws and regulations, safety, security, sustainability, technical lifespan, and economic feasibility. An essential aspect of this competency is contributing to a fair corporate culture. This implies promoting open communication to quickly identify and rectify any mistakes, as well as eliminating potential safety and security risks.

In my experience before the honors program, I have not been extensively exposed to a corporate culture in which I actively participated. However, my internship provided an inspiring example of an excellent corporate culture, which I have tried to integrate into my approach to the honors program. I always aim to maintain an open and friendly attitude, welcoming feedback. I also value receiving feedback to continue improving myself. During the honors program, I also learned that fostering a strong bond through close collaboration enhances teamwork, fosters better understanding among team members, and contributes to a better working environment. This is something I developed significantly during my work at KLM, where mutual accountability and openness are crucial due to safety considerations. All of this has strengthened my belief that I am currently at competency level 2.


For competency 5, you are required to be responsible for coordinating organizational and operational processes, as well as leading the associated personnel to achieve the goals of the specific business unit or project, taking into account the influences of the external environment. I believe that I am at level 2 in this regard.

During my studies, I gained valuable experience in coordinating and organizing projects, where I also developed leadership skills in dealing with diverse groups of people. I have learned to lead effectively, even in situations where there are both leaders and followers in a group. Additionally, at my workplace, I have led a team with diverse backgrounds, which could be challenging due to differences in norms and values.

During this semester, I specifically learned to consider diverse opinions and reach consensus. I actively sought input from others by asking for their opinions on specific topics and formulated solution proposals based on that input. In terms of independent assignments, I have also demonstrated flexibility by making adjustments, for example, choosing between bags and booklets for the goodie bags, to ensure everyone was satisfied. These experiences have strengthened my ability to effectively coordinate, lead, and collaborate, even in situations with different perspectives and expectations. I just need to be careful not to sideline myself when I'm in a leadership role or when I aim to satisfy everyone.


Competency 6 focuses on providing substantiated advice in designing, improving, or implementing products, processes, and methods, based on a thorough understanding of constraints, relationships, and dependencies within the aviation industry. Currently, I consider my skills in this area to be at level 1.

Throughout my academic career, I have had limited experience in providing advice. Nevertheless, during my internship, I had a significant opportunity to develop my competencies in this area. I authored an advisory report aimed at enhancing a specific business process, which was well-received, affirming my ability to deliver valuable advice.

In this project, I successfully mapped out the employer's needs through extensive interviews and deep understanding. The result was a sound advice that not only identified issues but also provided concrete solutions. My ability to apply the gathered information in developing a practical tool was specifically praised.

I am confident that this experience has significantly enhanced my skills in providing advice. I am committed to further growth in this competency by seizing more opportunities to deepen my understanding of constraints, relationships, and dependencies in the aviation industry and refining my ability to provide effectively substantiated advice.


Competency 7 addresses research methods, such as literature review and study, analysis and modeling of the problem, designing and conducting experiments, and interpreting data and computer simulations.

I was convinced for a long time that I had already reached level 2 in my academic development. However, Maria's research methods classes have given me a new perspective on my own skills, and I now realize that my proficiency is more at level 1. While I am capable of conducting independent research and analyzing problems, Maria's teaching has made me realize that the quality of my research can be significantly improved.

One of my main hurdles is the fact that the internet is saturated with unreliable information, and I need to learn to be more selective and delve deeper into articles, research, and books to strengthen my research. The ability to critically evaluate which sources are valuable seems to be an essential skill that I still need to refine.

Additionally, I still encounter issues in presenting my research results. My lack of confidence directly impacts how I come across to my audience, potentially making my results appear less impressive than they actually are. It seems that strengthening my presentation skills and building more confidence in my own abilities are crucial to presenting my research more convincingly.

Another aspect I want to work on is choosing the right research method. This continues to be a challenge for me, and I realize that it is essential to select the most appropriate methodology to obtain accurate and reliable results. Perhaps I can deepen my understanding of various research methods and learn to better weigh which method best suits my specific research objectives.


Competency 8 revolves around maintaining the skills necessary to effectively implement one's knowledge, skills, and attitudes. I believe I am operating at level 2 in this competency. Throughout the honors program, I demonstrated my ability to handle feedback adeptly I refrain from becoming defensive and consistently seek to glean insights from the feedback received. I set learning goals for myself and took the initiative to practice presentation skills by independently delivering small presentations on topics that were manageable for me.

Additionally, I have proven my adaptability and flexibility in various situations. A notable instance is my response to sponsors failing to fulfill their commitments, where I proactively devised multiple solutions and patiently waited for resolution.

Furthermore, this portfolio serves as a tangible illustration of my capacity for self-reflection. It provides a profound insight into my life, encompassing moments of pride, disappointment, and accomplishment.
