During the Honours program, we participated in the Student Empowerment Programme (SEP), attending a series of lessons. Initially, the 15 participants were divided into three groups of five, randomly assigned. One group received SEP lessons from Marianne, while the other two groups were taught by Eva. I had Eva as my SEP instructor.

In Eva's classes, we didn't strictly adhere to the guidebook. Instead, Eva assessed our needs and asked what we wanted to achieve. In these sessions, we discussed our competencies, took personality tests, created timelines, completed the "poppetjesopdracht" (Doll assignment), and engaged in extensive discussions. We shared our feelings, discussed our group experiences, and explored potential improvements.

On one hand, I appreciated the flexibility of not strictly following the guidebook, as it allowed for more personal development. On the other hand, it was challenging at times because you don't always know exactly what you need. Additionally, it was challenging that a portion of the group followed the guidebook and had more tangible results, while we operated more on intuition, focusing on what we wanted to do.

While writing this portfolio, I realized that more structured assignments might have been useful. On the other hand, I recognized that my experience is unique, and I did things others didn't. Ultimately, I am content with how it unfolded because I could extract the most for myself. The assignments we completed were beneficial for me.

Eva actively brainstormed with us and devised unique tasks to take us out of our comfort zones. Although we initially had SEP lessons every other week, the frequency decreased as the conference progressed. Unfortunately, I missed several SEP lessons due to commitments such as arranging goodies and meetings with companies for sponsorship.

After the conference, I had a one-on-one conversation with Eva. While this discussion could cover anything, mine primarily focused on the portfolio, as I found it challenging to determine what should be included. Eva assisted me in this regard. Additionally, I sought feedback from Eva regarding my personal performance. She mentioned that I am authentic and don't pretend to be someone else. I am open to ideas and approachable, making people feel at ease. I greatly value this feedback and intend to continue my open and authentic approach.

I am grateful for the valuable experience and guidance from Eva during the program.